Dear All,
We all know about the violence which occurred in Manipur. It spread to many districts like wildfire and many people lost their lives, many more got injured.
This event was accompanied with burning down and destruction of countless houses and properties, leading to people running away for safety and ending up displaced in refugee camps or finding shelter at some other place.
All these events had led to profound sufferings and trauma to the person affected by it. Just spare a thought about the young children, who had to see this brutal onslaught on their parents, relatives, elders and who had to witness the burning of their dearly home, right in front of their eyes. These all affected people suffered trauma and had to literally run away from their home just with clothes on their body.
Fresh incidents of violence are still happening in the outskirts of many districts and people are scared to get back to their residential places.
We are trying to help in various violence affected district. More than 50000 displaced people are there in all these affected districts. Wherever it is feasible for us, we will try to help those area and people affected. We are trying to focus our relief work to basic needs, but also want to engage the people and children to come out of the trauma.
We will try to help them in the following ways-
1) Providing ration kits and hygiene kits, essential medicines, to as many people as possible.
2) Providing training to volunteers for basic first aid and training in basic medicines.
3) Establishing a helpline for asking help in terms of material or psychological support.
4) Sending volunteers/Counsellors to engage the children in various education and playful activities, so that they can disengage themselves from the stressed surrounding and come out of trauma.
If you want to support, following are the ways in which you can support-
1) Donations for sending ration, hygiene kits, educational kits, etc.
2) Volunteering to go to the affected site and have some educational activities with children.
3) If you are a counsellor/psychologist/psychiatrist and want to help the people suffering from trauma, you can join the team to train local people.
4) If you are from Manipur/ Or know languages of Manipur, you can help in managing the helpline or counselling or translating. The helpline will be used to get important details about the needs of people at ground level. It will also serve as a means for people seeking psychological support for their trauma.
5) If you want to volunteer to manage any part of this voluntary work, you can volunteer.